
Recent Submissions

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    The Impact of Cooperative Integrated Reading and Composition (CIRC) on Student Learning Results
    (Repository Stain Majene, 2024-02-15) Anwar Sewang
    The results of learning are a key component in education. This is because the learning outcomes serve as the foundation for teachers to assess students' abilities and provide the basis for teachers in designing the learning models needed by students. This study aims to determine the increase in learning results of Islamic Education in reading material using the Cooperative Integrated Reading and Composition (CIRC) learning model. This research is Classroom Action Research involves planning, implementing, observing, and reflecting. This Class Action Research procedure is planned for cycles I and II. Cycle I consists of four meetings, and cycle II consists of four sessions. Meetings 1 to 3 carried out the teaching and learning process and meeting four carried out learning outcomes tests through descriptive data analysis. This research is designed using the CIRC learning model. The results showed that the average value of students' learning outcomes of grade VII Bilingual 1 State Junior High School 6 Sengkang increased from cycle I to cycle II, i.e., from 78.30 to 83.96. In process one, the complete student is 73,91% or 17 students. While in cycle II, the percentage of student mastery increased to 95.65% or 22 students. Based on the result of the research, it can be concluded that using the CIRC learning model can improve the learning result of PAI of the law reading material. CICR models can help the learning process more optimally because it is able to increase the activeness of student learning outcomes as cognitive and affective terms. In the process of learning pleasant classroom conditions able to support students in receiving material lessons and models of CIRC with gift-giving can be used as one of the learning models in learning reading comprehension
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    (Repository Stain Majene, 2024-02-05) Mila Jumarlis ; Suardi M ; Herman ; A. Edeth Fuari Anastasya
    Keberhasilan program beras miskin diukur dengan dasar ketercapaian terhadap beberapa indikator yang telah ditetapkan seperti ketepatan sasaran penerima, jumlah besaran beras, harga beras, waktu yang tepat, dan ketepatan administrasi, serta kualitas beras yang sesuai ketentuan. Faktanya, pelaksanaan program beras miskin pada Kelurahan Tengan, Kecamatan Mengkendek, Kabupaten Tana Toraja ketika dilakukan evaluasi lapangan, ditemukan proses pendataan yang menggunakan banyak metode berlapis mulai dari proses manual hingga penggunaan teknologi terkini seperti komputer dengan tools Microsoft Excel-nya, yang membuat petugas pendataan lapangan menemui banyak masalah seperti waktu pendataan yang memakan waktu yang lama dan terus berulang dilakukan terutama untuk pembaharuan data terbaru, sedangkan untuk operator, masalah yang kerap dialami yaitu hilangnya data manual serta lambatnya proses olahan data. Solusi atas masalah tersebut setelah dilakukan identifikasi masalah adalah dengan merancang sistem baru berupa aplikasi untuk diterapkan namun terlebih dahulu dilakukan pelatihan penggunaan sistem oleh operator pengelola data. Hasilnya membuat mudah proses pengolahan data seluruh warga, dan membuat lurah merasa mudah dalam mengambil keputusan mengenai penetapan penerima beras miskin untuk warga yang berhak mendapatkannya sehingga kinerja petugas pendataan atau operator pengelola data beras miskin pada Kelurahan Tengan, Kecamatan Mengkendek, Kabupaten Tana Toraja menjadi meningkat karena dengan adanya sistem informasi yang dibangun Tim PKM tersebut.
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    (Repository Stain Majene, 2024-02-05) Mila Jumarlis
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