The Evaluation of Ed-Link Implementation as LMS in Teaching Students at STAIN Majene

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Learning management system is a software system to create web-based online lecture materials and manage learning activities and the results. Learning management system has been implemented by several universities it was really helpful for students and lecturers. One of the learning management system that is used in the teaching and learning process at STAIN Majene is Ed-Link. The Existence of Ed-Link as a learning management system is also support the development of ICT-based learning among students and lecturers at STAIN Majene. As newly established university, this is certainly the most important aspect in developing the learning process for ICT-based at STAIN Majene. The purpose of this research is to evaluate the implementation of Ed-Link as learning management system in teaching and learning process between students and lecturers at STAIN Majene. Qualitative descriptive method was used by researcher in conducting this research. This research is a descriptive qualitative research which data collection is carried out by observing, interviewing and documenting. The research subject in this study is several students and lecturers in STAIN Majene that have implemented Ed-Link in their learning process. And the object of this research showed that there are positive and negative perceptions about Ed-Link from the imformants. From that perception, it will be the evaluation for Ed-Link implementation and the evaluation consist in teaching process and the evaluation for Ed-Link features. Keywords: Learning Manageent System, Ed-Link. Learning management system adalah sistem perangkat lunak untuk membuat materi perkuliahan online yang berbasis web dan mengelola kegiatan pembelajaran lainnya. Learning management system telah diterapkan oleh beberapa perguruan tinggi. Salah satu learning management system yang diterapkan oleh STAIN Majene adalah Ed-Lin. Keberadaan Ed-Link sebagai LMS juga mendukung pembelajaran berbasis IT dikalangan mahasiswa dan dosen. Sebagai uperguruan tinggi yang baru berdiri, hal ini tentunya menjadi aspek penting dalam proses perkembangan di STAIN Majene. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengevaluasi penerapan Ed-Link sebagai LMS dalam proses belajar mengajar antaramahasiswa dan dosen. Metode desktriptif kualitatif digunakan oleh peneliti dalam melakukan penelitian ini. Pengumpulan datanya dilakukan dengan cara observasi, wawancara dan dokumentasi. Subyek penelitian ini adalah adalah beberapa mahasiswa dan dosen di STAIN Majene yang telah mengimplementasikan Ed-Link dalam proses pembelajaran. Dan objek penelitian ini menunjukkan adanya persepsi negative dan positif dari narasumber. Dari keduapersepsi tersebut, akan dilakukan evaluasi terhadap implementasi Ed-Link dan evaluasi tersebut meliputi proses pembelajaran dan fitur-fitur yang ada pada Ed-Link.