Vocabulary can be defined as a collection of letters arranged in a dictionary consisting of one word that has meaning, or more than one word or what is ward is called a collection of words (phrases) that have a common meaning. Vocabulary has an important role in teaching English. This can be seen from every teaching of language skills (listening, reading, writing, speaking) and also aspects of language form (phonology, grammar). Based on initial observations and interviews with English teachers at MTs Husnul Khatimah, it was found that students had problems in learning English is a lack of English vocabulary. This will affect the mastery of other skills. The formulation of the problem in this research is whether guessing games are effective in using students’ vocabulary students at MTs Husnul Khatimah.
This research uses descriptive statistical research in analyzing the data. The descriptive statistics used in this research consist of tables of numbers, averages, standard deviation numbers, and frequency tables. The researcher explains the result of the research that the effectiveness of guessing games is effective in increasing students’ vocabulary, this is proven by the pre-test average before meeting was 20.27, while after the meeting, 70.87, keywords effectiveness, guessing game, vocabulary mastery.