Program Studi Hukum Ekonomi Syariah (HES)
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ItemDinamika Poligami di Tengah Budaya Oligarkis-Patriarkis (Studi pada Masyarakat Poliwali Mandar dan Konawe Sulawesi)(Al-Manāhij: Jurnal Kajian Hukum Islam, 2020-06-01) Anwar SadatArtikel ini membahas sisi lain poligami dalam konteks hukum Islam di tengah budaya oligarkis-patriarkis. Selama ini, masyarakat ada yang menganggap realitas poligami sebagai tindakan yang lumrah dilakukan. Namun ada juga yang menyatakan bahwa sejatinya pernikahan perlu dipraktekkan dengan asas monogami. Karenanya, artikel ini fokus pada realitas poligami yang dialami oleh masyarakat kabupaten Poliwali Mandar Sulawesi Barat dan Kabupaten Konawe Sulawesi Tenggara berdasarkan narasi normatif. Kesimpulan dari artikel ini adalah realitas poligami muncul tidak lepas dari landasan nilai teologis dan budaya oligarkis-patriarkis. Oleh karenanya, intepretasi ayat sangat mempengaruhi pemikiran dan praktek pernikahan di suatu masyarakat. Seperti ungkapan satu saja (fa wāḥidah) dalam QS. an-Nisa ayat 3 diintepretasikan bukan larangan berpoligami tetapi tuntutan untuk menikah (menambah) satu lagi selain istri pertama jika tidak mampu berbuat adil. Jika laki-laki mampu untuk berlaku adil pada dimensi materi, maka ia diperkenakan untuk menikah dengan empat perempuan sekaligus.
ItemECO-FIQH: PENDEKATAN MASLAHAT TERHADAP AMDAL DAN KONSERVASI LINGKUNGAN(UIN Alauddin Makassar Sulawesi Selatan 1, STAIN Majene Sulawesi Barat, 2019-10-02) Muhammad Yusuf ; Anwar SadatKajian ini berangkat dari sebuah postulat bahwa maslahat dan teksteks primer Islam tidak pernah bertentangan secara hakiki sebab naṣ suci adalah panduan bagi manusia untuk meraih maslahat di dunia dan di akhirat. Berangkat dari pendekatan maslahat, lahirlah gagasan dan konsep eco - fiqh , yaitu sebuah gagasan untuk merespons berbagai masalah lingkungan. Artikel ini merupakan studi tentang eco - fiqh yang bertumpu pada pendekatan maslahat dan analisis mengenai dampak lingkungan (Amdal) secara umum. Untuk merealisasi maslahat dalam pembangunan, aturan tentang Amdal mesti dipatuhi, karena hal itu sejalan dengan prinsip bahwa mencegah dampak buruk ( mafsadah ) lebih diprioritaskan daripada mengambil maslahatnya. Eco - fiqh ini memberi tuntunan prinsip pencegahan dampak lingkungan jangka panjang daripada sekadar obsesi meraih keuntungan ekonomi jangka pendek. Melestarikan lingkungan merupakan sunah dan doktrin u s ̣ū l ī y ā t ( mainstream ) ajaran Islam yang sering diabaikan. Konservasi lingkungan tidak sekadar merupakan upaya menarik dokrin konservasi lingkungan masuk ke dalam mainstream ajaran Islam. Dengan demikian akan melahirkan kesalehan ekologis sejajar dengan kesalehan spritual dan kesalehan sosial. Kata kunci: Eco - fiqh , maslahat, Amdal, u s ̣ū l ī y ā t , kesalehan ekologis.
ItemEKSISTENSI HAKIM MENURUT AL-QUR’AN(AL-FIKR, 2010) Anwar SadatThis article covers about a judge in the view of Remembrance and its relevance to the existence of judges in the present. The method used is a library research that is by examining a number of literature directly related to the focus problem. The results showed that the profession of judges which also is a matter of proud achievement. In neighboring countries like Malaysia and Singapore, a district judge is said to be more respected and authoritative than a regent, or mayor. Charisma is remarkable, because there the judge regarded as a semigod
ItemFARDHU KIFAYAH (Sebuah Analisa Pemikiran Hukum Prof. K.H. Ali Yafie)(Jurnal Hukum Diktum UIN Alaudddin, 0020-07-02) Anwar SadatThis article describes the problem Fardhu kifayah: An Analysis of Legal Thought Prof. K.H. Ali Yafie in which try to explain the concept of Fardhu kifayah once again placing it a more proportional. In this study the authors also try to provide a more solid description set out in the discussion with an intellectual biography of a charismatic cleric in South Sulawesi. The method used in this study pure library approach is to read various scientific works, especially leaders KH Ali Yafie. The results showed fardhu kifaya concept is a concept that is very rational in growing social concern for> people with fixed based on what the writer is term prudence in religion.
ItemIKHTILAF DI KALANGAN ULAMA AL-MUJTAHIDIN(Al-Risalah UIN aLAUDDIN, 2015-11-02) Anwar SadatThis articel study abaut mani factor that cause difference of muslim scholars vieus. This difference of vieus incloding: difference of vieu abaut the death of Rasululullah, his khalifa after him, difference vieu abaut umbiliver to pei the zakat (purification), the difference of vieu abaut islamic law (fiqh). The method that used in this articel is library reseach. Which analyze several references which are related to those different vieu direcdly. The result of the riset shows that factors wich cause differences of vieus such as difference if verse of quranic reading method, mathod of analysing or jugje hadis , quranic tex wich double posibility meaning, the tex have contradictive meaning one eact other, there cases that have no real tex
ItemKEDUDUKAN MASLAHAH PERSPEKTIF PROF. K.H. ALI YAFIE (Sebuah Analisa Tentang Epistimologi Hukum Islam)(Jurnal Al-‘Adl, 2013-07-02) Anwar SadatMakalah ini berjudul Kedudukan Maslahah Perpektif Prof. K.H. Ali Yafie: Sebuah Analisa tentang Epistemologi Hukum Islam) yang di dalamnya mencoba memaparkan konsep Maslahah sekaligus menempatkan Maslahah ke posisi yang lebih proporsional.Dalam kajian ini pula Penulis mencoba memberikan uraian yang lebih padat dengan berangkat pada bahasan biografi intelektual Ali Yafie. Adapun metode yang digunakan dalam kajian ini murni pendekatan pustaka yaitu dengan membaca berbagai karya ilmiah para tokoh dalam hal ini K.H. Ali Yafie dan berbagai referensi terkait lainnya. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan konsep Maslahah menurut Ali Yafie merupakan tujuan syari'at, yang dianggap sebagai pola umum atau prinsip dasar yang menjiwai seluruh wilayah fiqih.Konsep mashlahah yang ditawarkan Ali Yafie adalah berkisar pada dua hal pokok, yaitu jalb al manfa'ah (mewujudkan manfaat atau kegunaan) dan daf ‘al-madharrah (menghindarkan kemudharratan) yang secara umum mengacu pada tiga konsep kebutuhan yaitu: al-dharuriyat, al-hajiyat,al-tahsiniyat
ItemLEGAL OPPORTUNITIES OF BANK INTERESTS: REINVENTING ANALYSIS OF THE MASHLAHAT THEORY OF AL-SYATHIBI(Al-Ulum, 2015-06-01) Anwar SadatKajian ini menjelaskan tentang sejumlah analisis peluang hukum bunga tabungan pada bank. Pada umumnya, bank di Indonesia sangat berpengaruh terhadap dinamika kehidupan ekonomi masyarakat. Eksistensinya menyebar secara merata hingga ke pelosok. Hal ini berimplikasi pada kemudahan akses dan pelayanan pada masyarakat luas. Jika penetapan keharaman bunga tabungan bank dimunculkan, dapat mengakibatkan gejolak ekonomi berupa pengalihan dana besar-besaran oleh nasabah yang dapat berdampak secara sistemik terhadap stabilitas ekonomi nasional. Menimbang sebagian besar instansi pemerintah (termasuk kementerian agama) maupun swasta yang mengakomodasi hajat hidup masyarakat luas, khususnya pegawai negeri dan pegawai swasta, yang semakin tergantung dengan eksistensi bank konvensional. Teori Mashlahat yang dikemukakan al-Sy tib dapat memberikan peluang hukum, baik secara makro (umum) maupun mikro (pribadi). Dalam kajian ini, penulis menemukan adanya peluang hukum bunga tabungan bank perspektif analisis teori Mashlahat
ItemLOKKO’ TRADITION IN ISLAMIC LAW PERSPECTIVE AND ITS IMPACT ON PATAMPANUA SOCIETY IN POLEWALI MANDAR REGENCY(JOURNAL OF ISLAM AND SCIENCE, 2015-06-01) Anwar SadatHumans have been predetermined as social beings for the reason that in meeting their needs they have to interact with others. Accordingly, humans tend to live in groups and society. These groups then agreed to set up rules to deal with the attitudes and behaviors in their environments. These rules later on developed into principles, guidelines, and way of life of a society to be kept hold of by each individual in the community. The worldview of a community greatly influence the behavior of individuals living in that community environment, hence an individual intending to get along and survive in a particular group of people should be able to comprehend and get familiar with the custom, worldview, and norms applied in the pertinent society.
ItemMAJELIS TA'LIM AS SOCIALIZATION MEDIA OF CHILD PROTECTION IN WEST SULAWES(Article received February 25th, 2021; Article revised April 13th, 2021; Article approved May 8th 2021, 2021-05-08) Anwar Sadat ; Abdul RahmanThe enactment of Law No. 35 of 2014 concerning Child Protection is intended to protect children and guarantee their rights to live, grow, develop, and participate optimally following human dignity and get protection from violence and discrimination. It could be achieved through increasing awareness of the rights and obligations and the responsibility of the involved parties, especially parents because they are the first and foremost in contact with children. In the context of the Law socialization, research is needed to find an appropriate and effective socialization model especially for women (mothers) through religious-social activities. One of them is majelis ta'lim program. This research used a normative-empirical research type. Normative research was used through the interpretation of grammatical and authentic legal methods. Empirical research was conducted by a teleological interpretation method to know the extent of the legal norm according to the community’s attitudes, behaviors, and compliance. Data were collected through the study of literature and empirical studies using interview guidelines and questionnaires. The research results showed that the developed socialization model could solve the most fundamental and urgent literature and the wider community’s interests. In protecting the community-based program, the issue is not merely children in conflict with the law. It includes a larger unit of interaction, such as parents, family, peers, environment, and wider social institutions
ItemMAJELIS TA'LIM AS SOCIALIZATION MEDIA OF CHILD PROTECTION IN WEST SULAWESI(, Repository STAIN Majene, 2021) Abdul Rahman ; Anwar SadatThe enactment of Law No. 35 of 2014 concerning Child Protection is intended to protect children and guarantee their rights to live, grow, develop, and participate optimally following human dignity and get protection from violence and discrimination. It could be achieved through increasing awareness of the rights and obligations and the responsibility of the involved parties, especially parents because they are the first and foremost in contact with children. In the context of the Law socialization, research is needed to find an appropriate and effective socialization model especially for women (mothers) through religious-social activities. One of them is majelis ta'lim program. This research used a normative-empirical research type. Normative research was used through the interpretation of grammatical and authentic legal methods. Empirical research was conducted by a teleological interpretation method to know the extent of the legal norm according to the community’s attitudes, behaviors, and compliance. Data were collected through the study of literature and empirical studies using interview guidelines and questionnaires. The research results showed that the developed socialization model could solve the most fundamental and urgent literature and the wider community’s interests. In protecting the community-based program, the issue is not merely children in conflict with the law. It includes a larger unit of interaction, such as parents, family, peers, environment, and wider social institutions
ItemMEMOTRET ‘GELIAT’ HUKUM ISLAM DI INDONESIA: SEBUAH PERTARUNGAN KONSTITUSIONAL(JURNAL PILAR: Jurnal Kajian Islam Kontemporer, 2014-12-02) Anwar SadatWhen the founders of this country were about to proclaim Indonesia's independence, objections arose from residents of the eastern part of Indonesia who were mostly non-Muslim. They are worried that if the Jakarta Charter becomes the basis of the State, those who are non-Muslim will be marginalized and will become second-class citizens. They threatened to leave Indonesia if forced to do so. For this reason, through wise actions, the founders of the State agreed that the first precepts in the Jakarta Charter which stated Divinity with the obligation to carry out Islamic syari'at for its adherents to be replaced with the One Godhead. The Lordship in One God as the first precept coupled with four other principles known as Pancasila are then used as the basis of the State. Compromises such as making Indonesia not purely a secular state but also not becoming an Islamic state. Indonesia then introduced itself as the Pancasila State. In the Pancasila State all religions are placed in the same position. All citizens have the right to practice their religion and worship according to their religion and belief. However, this "wise" decision did not leave all Muslims feeling relieved and satisfied. Some Muslims still want and continue to fight for the Jakarta Charter, or more precisely the seven words in the Jakarta Charter, to be included in the constitution. Because with the inclusion of seven words in the Jakarta Charter, Indonesia by itself, seen from its constitution, has become an Islamic State.
ItemPamali Culture of Polewali Community in West Sulawesi and Appreciation of Islamic Jurisprudence(el Harakah Jurnal Budaya Islam, 2020) Anwar Sadat ; Muhammad YusufThe article explores the values of the local wisdom (‘urf) of the West Sulawesi Polewali community and an appreciation of Islamic law towards it. This research used a qualitative approach. Data collection was done through triangulation techniques that were intended to obtain more complete data. Data were analyzed with content analysis techniques and semiotics analysis approach. Content analysis can provide closer philosophical meaning of the phrase. While the semiotics approach can help to understand the meaning of the symbolic expressions of Pamali. The phrases in Pamali contain very deep and philosophical meanings. This research showed that Pamali has a depth of meaning so that a symbolic and contextual analysis approaches can give exact meaning of Pamali expression. Thus, the local wisdom in muamalat can be considered in formulating Islamic law that applies to the Mandar community in general and the Polewali community in particular. Local wisdom in the Polewali community can be used as a consideration in the formulation of Islamic law and development policies in Polewali.
ItemPARADIGMA KH. ALI YAFIE TERHADAP SUMBER- SUMBER HUKUM ISLAM(Jurnal Hukum Diktum,, 2012-01-01) Anwar SadatThis article reviews the paradigm Yafie KH.Ali thinking about the sources of Islamic law in particular sources of law that has been agreed upon. The method used is a literature review with a direct look at various sources or manuscript is an original work of KH Ali Yafie. Ali Yafie figure was one of the active transform thinking through scholarly writings. Primarily covering the social, political, economic, and health dimensions of Islamic studies (Islamic studies)
ItemPEMALI IN THE PESPECTIVE OF ISLAMIC LAW: A Phenomenological Study in the Patampanua Society, Polewali Mandar(JOURNAL OF CONTEMPORARY ISLAM AND MUSLIM SOCIETIES, 2019-12-02) Anwar SadatPemali in the community has become a local culture that could engineer the community to behave and act. This construction is actually in harmony with the existence of laws that becomes as an avenue to maintain the peace and welfare of people. This research focuses on the concept of pemali in the Mandar tribe community in Patampanua village, Matakali sub-district, Polewali Mandar district from the perspective of Islamic law. From the focus of this research, the approach used is qualitative with phenomenology type. This research found that the existing pemali construction in the Mandar tribe community emerged due to at least three main factors, namely environmental, psychological, and social factors. This construction when viewed from the perspective of Islamic law has a concurring vision to build a society that has morality. So that the subject of society through pemali is always avoided by destructive behavior and attitudes.
ItemSTRATEGI TRANSFORMASI HUKUM ISLAM DALAM PEMBINAAN HUKUM NASIONAL(Jurnal Syari’ah dan Hukum Diktum,, 2018-07-01) Anwar SadatKajian ini mengulas tentang strategi transformasi hukum Islam dalam pembinaan hukum nasional. Hasil kajian menunjukan bahwa secara garis besar ada dua jalur penerapan hukum Islam yag dapat ditempuh dalam upaya pembinaan hukum nasional yaitu jalur transformasi ke dalam undang-undang maupun jalur non transformasi di luar per-undang-undang-an yang berlaku.