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ItemTHE USE OF VIDEO VLOG IN TEACHING SPEAKING SKILL OF 11TH GRADE STUDENTS OF SMK N 1 LUYO(REPOSITORI STAIN MAJENE, 2021) UMY SYAHRA DEWIUmy Syahra Dewi, The Use Of Video Vlog In Teaching Speaking Of 11th Grade Students Of SMK Negeri Luyo. (Supervised by Nur Fadillah Nurchalis and Rina Marliana) The research aimed at finding out the effectiveness of using video vlog in improving the students’ speaking skill of SMK Negeri 1 Luyo.The objective of the research were to find out the effectiveness of using video vlog with used procedural text as a instrument in teaching speaking skill in SMK Negeri 1 Luyo. This research used Quasi-experimental with pre-test and post-test. In the pre-test, in the pre-test, the students were given the test in oral test "make a video vlog” about procedure text as an instrument of the test before giving treatment. In the treatment, the students got material about greetings, imperative statements, procedure text, and how to Vlog. The population of this research was XI grade of SMK Negeri 1 Luyo, and the total of population of this research was 86 students. The sample of the research of class XI was ATPH as experiment class and TBSM as a control class, in the class TBSM consists of 16 students and ATPH consists of 16 students. So, the number of samples in this research is 32 students. Improving the students speaking skills by using the video vlog effect can be seen on the score post-test was better than the students score in pre-test before the researcher gave the treatment. The mean students’ score of pre-test in experiment class was 41,5 which classified POOR classification, and the mean score of the pre-test in the control class was 39.5 which was classified Very Poor classification. The mean score post-test in Experiment class was 58,25 which classified FAIR classification and the mean score of post-test in control class was 41.00 which classified Poor classification. After getting this value, the researcher processes the value using SPSS to test the normality of the data in order to find or get a T-value, but after testing the normal data is considered not normally distributed, the significance value (Sig.) for all data is good on the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test. as well as the Shapiro-Wilk test <0.05, it can be said that the research data are not normally distributed . After doing the Wilcoxon test, get the following results Asymp.sig. (2-tailled) is 000 and its smaller than < 0,05 . So the researcher concludes that in this research the increase was not too significant. It can be concluded that there is an increase in student learning outcomes by using Video Vlog with students learning outcomes using conventional learning models.
ItemTHE IMPLEMENTATION OF WHATSAPP GROUP IN EFL CLASSROOM (STUDY AT MAN 1 POLEWALI MANDAR)(REPOSITORI STAIN MAJENE, 2021) SELVIANAHThis research aims to see the implementation of WhatsApp media in EFL Classroom. Researcher used qualitative descriptive data collection through observation to see the learning process that took place in WhatsApp group, then interviewed students and teacher, and finally documentation. Data analysis techniques in this research are data reduction, data presentation and conclusion drawing. From the research results, it can be seen that the learning process is divided into three stages, namely: 1) Planning, 2) Implementation which is divided into three stages, namely: opening, core and closing activities and 3) evaluation. In this case, students can still participate in the learning process using WhatsApp group and easily accessible, save quota and also have various features that teacher can choose to use in the learning process such as WhatsApp groups, chat messages, document files, videos or photos. In addition, there are still obstacles that faced by teacher and students such as teacher cannot observe directly, learning is not optimal, poor internet network, full cellphone memory or lack of understanding of the material. Keywords: WhatsApp, EFL Classroom, Pandemic Covid-19 Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat implementasi media WhatsApp di EFL Classroom. Peneliti menggunakan deskriptif kualitatif dengan pengumpulan data melalui observasi untuk melihat proses pembelajaran yang berlangsung di grup WhatsApp, kemudian mewawancarai siswa dan guru, dan terakhir dokumentasi. Teknik analisis data dalam penelitian ini adalah reduksi data, penyajian data dan penarikan kesimpulan. Dari hasil penelitian terlihat bahwa proses pembelajaran terbagi menjadi tiga tahap yaitu: 1) Perencanaan, 2) Pelaksanaan yang dibagi menjadi tiga tahapan yaitu: kegiatan pembukaan, inti dan penutup dan 3) evaluasi. Dalam hal ini siswa masih dapat berpartisipasi dalam proses pembelajaran dengan menggunakan grup WhatsApp serta mudah diakses, hemat kuota dan juga memiliki berbagai fitur yang dapat dipilih guru untuk digunakan dalam proses pembelajaran seperti grup WhatsApp, pesan chat, dokumen file, video atau foto. Selain itu masih terdapat kendala yang dihadapi guru dan siswa seperti guru tidak dapat mengamati secara langsung, pembelajaran tidak maksimal, jaringan internet yang buruk, memori handphone yang penuh atau kurangnya pemahaman terhadap materi.
ItemTHE USE OF CAKE LEARNING APPLICATION IN LEARNING SPEAKING SKILL OF THE TENTH GRADE STUDENTS OF MAN 1 MAJENE(REPOSITORI STAIN MAJENE, 2021) MUH. MUHYIDDIN. R. MAHMUDMuh. Muhyiddin. R. Mahmud, The Use of Cake Learning Application in Learning Speaking Skill of The Tenth Grade Students of MAN 1 Majene. (Supervised by Rina Marliana and Achmad Taqlidul Chair Fachruddin). The objective of the research were to see the students’ responses in learning speaking through Cake Learning Application at MAN 1 Majene and the streghts and the weaknesses of the Cake Learning Application at MAN 1 Majene. This research used qualitative and the sample of this research is the first semester of tenth grade of exact one of MAN Majene of the academic 2020-2021. This research used purposive sampling to choosed samples and there are several indicators to choosed samples,(1) students must have a handphone, (2) students must have sufficient storage space to be able to download the application that the researcher provides, (3) students must have quota or WIFI, and (4) students must have confident to speak. Instruments of this research were observations, interview and documents. The students responses towards Cake Learning Application could see on interviews among researcher and students after using Cake Learning Application which is have good and positive responses. The strength of this application were provides a new vocabulary, provides subtitles where users can see where the word wrong, helped and easier for students to practice students’ speaking with native speakers and easier students to get the Cake Learning Application in Playstore. The weakness of this application were must have good network (must 4G or using WIFI) and the number of advertisement that appear.
ItemSTUDENTS’ PERCEPTION TOWARD THE USE OF WHATSAPP AS A LEARNING MEDIA(REPOSITORI STAIN MAJENE, 2021) NURBAETI. SNurbaeti. S at English Educatiom Program Of STAIN Majene with entitled The Students Perception Toward The Use of Whatsapp as A Learning Media. In this study, the researcher investigated students' perception toward the using of Whatsapp as a teaching media. The researcher uses a descriptive study method with a quantitative approach. apart from that, the researcher distributed 20 numbered questionnaires as an instrument to collect data. The researcher uses a closed questionnaire type the data are submitted through a fourth point Likert scale. The four points are strongly agree, agree, disagree, and strongly disagree students would be answered the questions given by selecting the options that have been provided. The quastionnaire was distributed to the eighth grade students of MTs Madrasah Tsanawiyah. There were four classes that participated in this study. A total of 85 students in the class. In collecting data, the researcher entered the class, convey some important points that must be known, distribute questions result that has been filled in by students after distributting questions to students by doing tribulation. The final resuly that hass been obtained that the highest score and in different factors. The first factor is the factor of attitude which has the average value of 75.28%. The second is interest factors with an average value of 68.72%. The third is the motivation factor with an average value of 74.44%. The last is the attention factor with an average value of 71.56%. So it can be concluded that students have a positive perception toward the using of Whatsapp as a learning media.
ItemENGLISH VOCABULARY ACQUISITION THROUGH MOVIES ON THE 11 TH GRADE STUDENTS OF MAN MAJENE(STAIN MAJENE, 2021) NURFASYIRA ANDINATANTRIThis research focuses on students' vocabulary acquisition through movies. The objective of this research was to find out whether English movies were effective in influencing students in acquiring vocabulary and at the same time wanting to see what part of speech students acquired through movies. The method used in this research is a quantitative one design group with a pre-experimental approach carried out in 3 sessions, namely pretest, treatment, and posttest. The data collection method was carried out by assessing the pre-test scores compared to the post-test results. The populations in this research were all 11th-grade students at MAN Majene, but the sample was only graded 11 Agama 1. The data collection technique was obtained from the pretest, posttest, and treatment results for eight meetings. The data analysis method was carried out by operating SPSS version 22 by looking at the results of statistical descriptive statistics and Inference statistics. The results showed that English movies were effective in influencing students in acquiring vocabulary, it could be seen from the post-test results which were higher than the pre-test. The pre-test score has shown a number of 58.02, while the post-test score has shown a number of 69.27 as well as the part of speech mostly obtained were the noun vocabulary parts showed by11th-grade students of Agama 1 Man Majene.
ItemENRICHING STUDENTS’ VOCABULARY BY USING AUGMENTED REALITY MEDIA AT RA PERWANIDA 1 LIPU(STAIN MAJENE, 2021) NURSABRAThe learning process in the classroom does not take place optimally due to the lack of attention of students in learning English and the use of media or aids in the learning process. Based on this identification, the researcher concludes the formulation of the problem in this research is “Can the Application of Augmented Reality flashcard the vocabulary of young learners in R.A. Perwanida 1 Lipu?”. This research applies augmented reality flashcard technology learning media on animal 4d+ applications in English subjects which aims to enrich students' English vocabulary. This research was conducted at RA Perwanida I Lipu. The type of research method was the pre-experimental design. The population of the research was class B of RA Perwanida I Lipu. The number of students was 22 students. The data collection technique was obtained from the results of the pretest, posttest and through treatment for 4 meetings. Based on the results of pretest, the students get an average score of 3.02 with a very poor category while in the posttest, the students get an average score of 6.02 in a fair category. Based on the results of the research, it can be concluded that there was an enrichment in the students’ English vocabulary of RA Perwanida I Lipu by using augmented reality flashcard learning media especially for the animal 4d + application.
ItemAN ERROR ANALYSIS ON MA DDI BARUGA SECOND GRADE STUDENTS DESCRIPTIVE TEXT(STAIN MAJENE, 2021) SRI WAHYUNIIn this research, the researcher analyzed the students' writing descriptive text. Researchers used descriptive research methods with a qualitative approach. In addition, the researcher examined 25 student writing numbers, as an instrument to collect data. The researcher uses descriptive text type 2 paragraphs of writing to be the data presented. The final result that has been obtained is that all students have errors in writing descriptive text. Analyzing student assignments can have a positive influence on students' desire to improve their writing which shows the most errors, namely trivial errors in writing descriptive with the average error falling to three errors, namely Spelling, Meaningless and Punctualities with the highest scores, namely Spelling 66 errors and meaningless 34 and punctuation. 25.
ItemIMPROVING STUDENTS’ VOCABULARY MASTERY THROUGH PICTURE DICTIONARY AT THE EIGHT GRADE STUDENTS’ OF MTS NURUL YUSRAH OTING(REPOSITORI STAIN MAJENE, 2022) GUSMANGUSMAN, 2022. Improve students’ vocabulary mastery through a class VIII illustrated dictionary at Mts Nurul Yusrah Oting ,under the guidance of Achmad Taqlidul Chair Fachruddin, S.Pd,. M.Pd and Syamsinar,S. Pd. This study aims to determine the use of a picture dictionary to improve vocabulary mastery of class VII Mts Nurul Yusrah Oting students in the 2021/2022 academic year. This stdudy used a pre-experimental method.Whith one group pretest and posttest design.The reseaarch instrument is a vocabulary test consisting of 20 items. The sample consisted of 16 students from one class using a random sampling technique from a population of 32 class VIII students at Mts Nurul Yusrah Oting in the 2021/2022 academic year. From the results of data analysis showed that students experienced an increase in pretest 50.31 and posttest 80. This indicates that using a picture dictionary can improve students ‘ vocabulary mastery in the eighth grade of MTs Nurul Yusrah Oting. Obtained from the paired samples Test with a sig (2-tailed) value of 0,000 < 0,05, it can be concluded that there is a significant difference between the results of learning English vocabulary using a picture dictionary on pretest and posttest data, then H1 is accepted and H0 is rejected. This means that there is an effect of increasing students’ vocabulary by using a picture dictionary for class VIII students at Mts Nurul Yusrah Oting. Picture dictionaries help students to add new vocabulary more easily because this method motivates students to learn, the writer concludes that using picture dictionaries can increase students' vocabulary.
ItemNEED ANALYSIS OF NON-ENGLISH STUDY PROGRAM STUDENTS’ IN LEARNING ENGLISH AT STAIN MAJENE(STAIN MAJENE, 2022) NASRAHEnglish for Specific Purposes (ESP) is a course that aims to prepare students in using English in a specific area, it can be academic, professional, or workplace environments. Thus, to provide proper English material, a teacher requires analyzing the students' needs in ESP. This research aims to know students need in learning English at STAIN Majene. This research applied mix method that combain between qualitative and quantitative method. The subject of this research are the head of Islamic Education study program students at STAIN Majene, four ESP lecturers, and 123 students of second semester students of Islamic Education study program at STAIN Majene. The sampling technique is random sampling. The techniques of collecting data are interview and questionnaire. This research using Google Form to analyze the questionnaire data and the technique of analyze the interview data are data reduction, display, and verifying conclusion by Miles and Hubernan’s theory. The result of this research are the material most needed by students is speaking (81.3%), reading (7.3%), listening (3.3%) and writing (8.1%). While the Islamic topics needed by students by elaboration between the students and ESP lecturer are ablution, pillars of faith, pillars of islam, daily greetings, Allah is one, filial piety to parents, good manners, and Prophet Muhammad. Then, there are also additional topics by the ESP lecturer, such as how to make a CV, job applications, lecturer biographies and question words for interviews
ItemThe Evaluation of Ed-Link Implementation as LMS in Teaching Students at STAIN Majene(REPOSITORI STAIN MAJENE, 2022) RISMAWATILearning management system is a software system to create web-based online lecture materials and manage learning activities and the results. Learning management system has been implemented by several universities it was really helpful for students and lecturers. One of the learning management system that is used in the teaching and learning process at STAIN Majene is Ed-Link. The Existence of Ed-Link as a learning management system is also support the development of ICT-based learning among students and lecturers at STAIN Majene. As newly established university, this is certainly the most important aspect in developing the learning process for ICT-based at STAIN Majene. The purpose of this research is to evaluate the implementation of Ed-Link as learning management system in teaching and learning process between students and lecturers at STAIN Majene. Qualitative descriptive method was used by researcher in conducting this research. This research is a descriptive qualitative research which data collection is carried out by observing, interviewing and documenting. The research subject in this study is several students and lecturers in STAIN Majene that have implemented Ed-Link in their learning process. And the object of this research showed that there are positive and negative perceptions about Ed-Link from the imformants. From that perception, it will be the evaluation for Ed-Link implementation and the evaluation consist in teaching process and the evaluation for Ed-Link features. Keywords: Learning Manageent System, Ed-Link. Learning management system adalah sistem perangkat lunak untuk membuat materi perkuliahan online yang berbasis web dan mengelola kegiatan pembelajaran lainnya. Learning management system telah diterapkan oleh beberapa perguruan tinggi. Salah satu learning management system yang diterapkan oleh STAIN Majene adalah Ed-Lin. Keberadaan Ed-Link sebagai LMS juga mendukung pembelajaran berbasis IT dikalangan mahasiswa dan dosen. Sebagai uperguruan tinggi yang baru berdiri, hal ini tentunya menjadi aspek penting dalam proses perkembangan di STAIN Majene. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengevaluasi penerapan Ed-Link sebagai LMS dalam proses belajar mengajar antaramahasiswa dan dosen. Metode desktriptif kualitatif digunakan oleh peneliti dalam melakukan penelitian ini. Pengumpulan datanya dilakukan dengan cara observasi, wawancara dan dokumentasi. Subyek penelitian ini adalah adalah beberapa mahasiswa dan dosen di STAIN Majene yang telah mengimplementasikan Ed-Link dalam proses pembelajaran. Dan objek penelitian ini menunjukkan adanya persepsi negative dan positif dari narasumber. Dari keduapersepsi tersebut, akan dilakukan evaluasi terhadap implementasi Ed-Link dan evaluasi tersebut meliputi proses pembelajaran dan fitur-fitur yang ada pada Ed-Link.
ItemTHE ANALYSIS OF LEARNING WHILE PLAYING METHOD USED AT AN ENGLISH COURSE IN TEACHING SPEAKING SKILL(REPOSITORI STAIN MAJENE, 2022) NUR HASNIAREnglish teachers in formal and non-formal class have learning methods for teaching skills in English. Using the teaching method, the teacher improves the skills of students. Therefore, it's very useful to know how to use the method. This research problem was: “How is the learning while playing method used by the tutor in teaching speaking skill?’’. The purpose of this research was to analyse the teaching method used by the tutor in the Master of English Course (MOEC) which is the learning while playing method. The researcher used descriptive qualitative as the research method by using three instruments observation, interview and documentation. Techniques of data analysis were collected through three techniques they are data transcription, data presentation and drawing conclusions. Results of this research showed that the tutor implemented the learning while playing method to teach several elements of speaking skill, through the method students explored vocabulary building, pronunciation and grammatical structure. The tutor implemented this method by the student's understanding of the material becomesone of the important components for the tutor to play the games, The learning whileplaying method applied at MOEC uses several games and the tutor has rules that make the students learning while playing and games that played by the students are determined from the learning objectives to be achieved.
ItemDEVELOPING A LESSON PLAN FOR “ENGLISH FOR LAW” COURSE AT ISLAMIC FAMILY LAW STUDY PROGRAM(REPOSITORI STAIN MAJENE, 2023) ALI. HLesson plan is one of the most important parts of learning because it serves as a guide in the lecture process for one semester. However, Islamic Family Law study program at STAIN Majene does not yet have a standard Lesson plan for English for Law that can be used by lecturers of that course, so the lecturers use different lesson plan. Therefore, this research aims to develop lesson plan for the English for Law course in the Islamic Family Law study program at STAIN Majene. This research involved Islamic Family Law students from class 2018 to 2023, and several lecturers from the Islamic Family Law study program and English for Law course lecturers. This research uses a research and development model from the Branch Model which consists of five stages, namely Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation (ADDIE). At the analysis stage, the researcher conducted a need analysis to find out the needs of Islamic Family Law students for the English for Law course; at the design stage, the researcher makes a lesson plan design; the development stage compiles a complete lesson plan and tests the validity of the lesson plan; the implementation stage consists of trying out the lesson plan in learning and testing the practicality and effectiveness of the lesson plan; and the evaluation stage consists of formative evaluation and summative evaluation. The validity test of this RPS shows an average value of 3.4; the practicality test shows an average of 3.0; and the effectiveness test shows 3.5 from implementers and 3.4 from students. So it can be concluded that the lesson plan that has been developed fulfills the valid, practical, and effective categories. Through this research, researcher also found that Islamic Family Law lecturers and students have very high needs and expectations for English so researcher hope that in the future lecturers and further researchers can conduct research that focuses on developing teaching materials and increasing learning motivation and English language skills of Islamic Family Law students.
ItemSTUDENTS’ INTEREST IN LEARNING SPEAKING SKILL BY USING TIKTOK APPLICATION AT XI MIPA 1 SMA NEGERI 1 MAJENE(REPOSITORI STAIN MAJENE, 2023) WARQIAH. RThe purpose of this research is to determine the existence of students’ interest in the use of TikTok as a media for learning English speaking skills. among senior high school students. The research was conducted by teaching using TikTok for 4 meetings and then distributing questionnaires to students. The researcher used descriptive quantitative to collect data using a questionnaire instrument. The data was analyzed using 3 stages namely editing, coding, and tabulating data from the questionnaire then calculated using the formula P = F / N x 100%. The sample in this research were students of class XI MIPA 1 SMA Negeri 1 Majene consist of 38 students. The results showed that the level of student interest in learning speaking using TikTok was in the Interested Enough category with a total of 68% and the most dominant indicator of learning interest was attraction. This indicates a positive impact of using TikTok to learn English speaking skills in the classroom. Keywords: Interest, TikTok, Learning Media, Speaking Skill Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui apakah siswa memiliki minat terhadap penggunaan TikTok sebagai media belajar Bahasa Inggris khususnya speaking skill pada siswa sekolah menengah atas. Penelitian dilakukan dengan mengajar menggunakan TikTok selama 4 pertemuan kemudian menyebarkan kuesioner kepada siswa. Peneliti menggunakan metode kuantitatif deskriptif untuk mengumpulkan data menggunakan instrumen kuesioner. Data dianalisis menggunakan 3 tahap yakni editing, coding, dan tabulating data dari kuesioner kemudian dihitung menggunakan rumus P = F / N x 100%. Sample pada penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas XI MIPA 1 SMA Negeri 1 Majene sebanyak 38 siswa. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan level minat belajar siswa terhadap penggunaan TikTok pada kategori Interested Enough dengan jumlah 61% dan indikator minat belajar yang paling dominan adalah ketertarikan. Hal ini menandakan adanya dampak positif penggunaan TikTok untuk belajar kemampuan berbicara Bahasa Inggris di dalam kelas.
ItemTHE ERROR ANALYSIS OF STUDENT’S WRITING OF DESCRIPTIVE th TEXT ON THE 4 SEMESTER ENGLISH STUDY PROGRAM AT STAIN MAJENE(REPOSITORI STAIN MAJENE, 2023) SITTI NADRAWATIThis research is about analyzing students' writing errors in descriptive text which focuses on the use of simple present tense. This research is about the error analysis of student‟s writing of descriptive text. This study aims to determine the extent to which the ability to write 4 th semester students English Study Program. In this research is also carried out in STAIN Majene with a sample size of 33 students in the fourth semester. The method of the research is descriptive quantitative method to check what errors student‟s made and how often students were frequent. The steps the researcher took were giving students 3 themes, namely Daily Activity, Family‟s Routine, and Describe People. The result obtained from this study is that there are four types of errors made by students in writing. They are the error of omission 125 (65,78%), error of addition 25 (13,15%), error of misinformation 37 (19,47%), and error of misordering 3 (1,57%). The total number of errors made is 190 error. From the data above, it can be seen that omission errors are the highest number of errors made by students.
ItemTHE INFLUENCE OF ATTITUDE IN LEARNING ENGLISH SPEAKING COURSE TOWARDS ENGLISH FLUENCY AT STAIN MAJENE ENGLISH EDUCATIONAL STUDY PROGRAM(STAIN MAJENE, 2023) AFREDY KRISMAHUDDINThis research aims to determine the influence of students' learning attitudes towards their fluency in English speaking course. The method that used in this research is quantitative and the deisgn use survey. Researcher used questionnaires to measure students' learning attitudes and tests to measure students' speaking fluency. The data analysis technique used in this research is regression analysis to find out whether there is an influence of the X variable (learning attitude) towards Y variable (fluency). The significance value was obtained from the regression analysis is 0.017 which is a lower value than 0.05. The conclusion is there an influence on students' learning attitudes towards their fluency. Keywords: Learning Attitude, Speaking Skill, Fluency. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh yang terjadi pada sikap belajar siswa terhadap kefasihan mereka dalam berbicara bahasa inggris. Metode yang di gunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah kuantitatif dan desainnya menggunakan survey. Dalam pengumpulan data, peneliti menggunakan angket untuk mengukur sikap belajar siswa dan test untuk mengukur kefasihan berbicara siswa. Teknik analisis data yang di gunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah analisis regresi untuk mengetahui apakah ada pengaruh variabel x terhadap variabel y. Hasilnya, di peroleh nilai signifikansi dari analisis regresi sebesar 0.017 yang merupakan nilai yang lebih rendah dari 0.05. Kesimpulannya adalah ada pengaruh yang terjadi pada sikap belajar siswa terhadap kefasihannya.
ItemIMPROVING STUDENTS’ VOCABULARY BY USING COW (CUBE OF WORD) LEARNING MEDIA AT THE SEVENTH GRADE OF SMP NEGERI 3 MALUNDA(REPOSITORI STAIN MAJENE, 2023) NURJANNAHThis research aims to determine whether there is an improve in vocabulary after using the word cube media at SMP Negeri 3 Malunda. The researcher used pre-experimental to collect data using a written test. The sample in this researher were students of seventh-grade C SMP Negeri 3 Malunda consist of 20 students. The data were analyzed using SPSS 24. The results of the data analysis showed that the average score of students in the pre-test was 6,4000. Meanwhile, the average score of students obtained after receiving treatment was 29,2000. This also supported by a paired sample t-test, which showed a significance value <0.05, or in other words 0.000< 0.05. This means that H₀ is rejected and H₁ is accepted. After analyzed the data, the researcher found an increase in students' vocabulary after using the word cube media. This indicates word cube media can improve students' vocabulary. Keywords: Pre-experimental, word cube media, vocabulary. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui apakah terdapat peningkatan kosa kata setelah menggunakan media word cube di SMP Negeri 3 Malunda. Penelitian menggunakan metode pre-experimental untuk mengumpulkan data menggunakan instrument test tertulis. Sampel pada penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas VII C SMP Negeri 3 Malunda sebanyak 20 siswa. Data di analisis menggunakan SPSS. Hasil analisis data menunjukkan rata-rata nilai siswa pada pre-test sebesar 6,4000. Sedangkan nilai rata-rata siswa yang diperoleh setelah diberikan perlakuan sebesar 29,2000. hal ini juga didukung dengan uji-t paired sample yang menunjukkan nilai signifikansi <0,05 atau dengan kata lain 0,000<0,05 ini berarti H₀ ditolak dan H₁ diterima. Setelah melakukan analisis data, peneliti menemukan adanya peningkatan kosa kata siswa setelah menggunakan media word cube. Hal ini menandakan media word cube dapat meningkatkan kosa kata siswa.
ItemDEVELOPING PARTS OF SPEECH TEACHING MATERIALS FOR “WRITING IN PROFESSIONAL CONTEXT” SUBJECT AT ENGLISH EDUCATION STUDY PROGRAM OF STAIN MAJENE(REPOSITORI STAIN MAJENE, 2023) NUR ZAMZAMThis research found writing errors by identifying errors in student final assignments. It focused on developing teaching materials related to types of words, namely pronouns, adjectives, nouns, conjunctions, adverbs, verbs, interjections, and prepositions. The type of research is the ADDIE development model (Analysis, Design, Development, Implement, and Evaluation). The data obtained were analyzed using descriptive percentages and qualitative data. The results of the development of parts of speech teaching materials consist of aspects of development, namely layout, language, and content. In terms of layout, namely, the display of fonts, colors, and shapes is not too contrast. In terms of language, it is clear and easy to understand. Furthermore, in terms of content, that is structured and clear. The feasibility of part of speech teaching materials from the results of the study was "valid" to be used as student teaching materials, with an average score of 3.25 (layout), 3.15 (language), and 3 (content). The practicality of teaching materials is "fully implemented" with an average value of 3.55. the effectiveness of teaching materials is "effective" with an average value of 3.57. The teaching materials developed are proven to be feasible, fully implemented, and effectively used in the learning process. Keywords: Teaching Materials, Parts of Speech, ADDIE, Writing Pada penelitian ini ditemukan kesalahan dalam menulis yang didapatkan dari identifikasi kesalahan pada tugas akhir mahasiswa. Penelitian ini berfokus pada pengembangan bahan ajar yang berhubungan dengan jenis kata, yaitu kata ganti, kata sifat, kata benda, kata penghubung, kata keterangan, kata kerja, kata seru, dan kata depan. Jenis penelitian ini model pengembangan ADDIE (Analysis, Design, Development, Implement, dan Evaluation). Data yang diperoleh akan dianalisis dengan deskriptif persentase dan data kualitatif. Hasil dari pengembangan bahan ajar jenis kata ini terdiri dari aspek pengembangan, yaitu tampilan, bahasa, dan konten. Dari segi tampilan yaitu tampilan font, warna, dan bentuk tidak terlalu kontras. Dari segi bahasa yaitu jelas dan mudah dipahami. Selanjutnya, dari segi konten yaitu terstruktur dan jelas. Kelayakan bahan ajar parts of speech dari hasil penelitian yaitu “valid” digunakan sebagai bahan ajar students, dengan nilai rata-rata sebesar 3.25 (layout), 3.15 (language), dan 3 (content). Kepraktisan bahan ajar yaitu “fully implemented” dengan nilai rata-rata sebesar 3.55. Keefektifan bahan ajar yaitu “effective” dengan nilai rata-rata sebesar 3.57. Bahan ajar yang dikembangkan terbukti layak, terlaksana seluruhnya, dan efektif digunakan dalam proses pembelajaran.
ItemPERCEPTION OF ELEVENTH-GRADE STUDENTS REGARDING THE IMPLEMENTATION OF MERDEKA BELAJAR CURRICULUM IN ENGLISH CLASSES SMAN 2 MAJENE(STAIN MAJENE, 2023) NURHAKIKIIn 2020, the Ministry of Education and Culture (Kemendibudristek) made another curriculum change, namely the Merdeka Belajar Curriculum. The curriculum change has reaped pros and cons among students, especially in schools that have implemented the Merdeka Belajar curriculum in Majene district, precisely SMAN 2 Majene. This study aims to determine the perceptions of eleventh grade students towards the implementation of Merdeka Belajar curriculum in English subjects at SMAN 2 Majene. This type of research is mixed method research with survey and interview methods. The data collection technique in this study used a questionnaire instrument with data analysis techniques using descriptive statistics with percentages and interviews with data analysis techniques proposed by Miles and Huberman. The researcher found that class XI students of SMA Negeri 2 Majene were categorised as "Neutral" towards the implementation of the independent learning curriculum in English subjects with a percentage of 33.53%. Then based on the results of interviews regarding the implementation of the Pancasila Student Profile Strengthening Project at SMA Negeri 2 Majene, it can be seen that students have positive and negative perceptions of the implementation of the Pancasila Student Profile Strengthening Project or they have a "Neutral" perception. Students consider that the implementation of P5 is still less directed in terms of its implementation, but when faced with the project, students accept it well.
ItemSTUDENTS’ AND ENGLISH TEACHERS’ PERCEPTION TOWARD THE IMPLEMENTATION OF MERDEKA BELAJAR CURRICULUM AT 10th GRADE OF SMK NEGERI 1 MAJENE(STAIN MAJENE, 2023) NURLAILAHThis research problem for this research is how students’ and English teachers’ perception toward the implementation of Merdeka Belajar curriculum. The purpose of this research is to determine the perception of students’ and English teachers’ toward the implementation of Merdeka Belajar among vocational high school. The researcher used mixed method to collect data using a questionnaire and interview instrument. The sample in this research were students of class 10th consist of 30 students and two English teacher SMK Negeri 1 Majene. The result showed that students’ perception toward the Merdeka Belajar was in the undicedid category with a total of 64.80% and English teachers’ perception toward the implementation of Merdeka Belajar was in the agree category with a total of 79.17%. This indicates that students’ perceptions of Merdeka Belajar are undicedid, while English teachers’ perceptions of Merdeka Belajar are agree
ItemTHE USE OF MANDARESE AS MOTHER TONGUE IN ENGLISH LEARNING(STAIN MAJENE, 2023) ASLIA ALWIIn this research, the researcher found that teachers and students at MA Nuhiyah Pambusuang still often use Mandarese in the English learning process. Most students find English difficult to learn. Therefore, some teachers use their mother tongue in English learning so that students can better understand the material taught. This research aims to find out in what situations teachers use Mandarese in English learning and what are the students' perceptions of the use of Mandarese in English learning. The subjects of this research were teachers and students of MA Nuhiyah Pambusuang. The participants were taken using purposive sampling technique consisting of 11 students and 1 teacher. Knowing the situation of the teacher and students' perceptions of English learning can help teachers to develop effective learning strategies for students. Data were collected through observation and interviews. Based on the findings and discussion in this research, the situation of teachers using Mandarese in learning English there are several situations, which are giving explanations, checking understanding, providing motivation, giving instructions, and making jokes. Meanwhile, students' perceptions are divided into two aspects. The first aspect, the use of Mandarese in learning English results in students choosing to use Mandarese to give explanations when students do not understand the material, give instructions, and make jokes. As for the second aspect, Mandarese is not eliminated because it helps students to give detailed explanations, makes it easier to understand the explanation of composing sentences, makes students feel comfortable, and makes it easier to understand the material quickly. In addition, Mandarese should be limited because it can make students dependent which can slow down their mastery of English and lack knowledge of English.